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The Late Classical Period: A Deeper Look


The Late Classical period in Ancient Greece was a time of great prosperity and cultural advancement. It is generally accepted that the period began around 400 BCE and lasted until 323 BCE. During this time, Greece was a major power in the world, and its art and architecture reflected this newfound wealth and confidence.

Key Terms

Some of the key terms associated with Late Classical art include:

  • Contrapposto: A pose in which the figure's weight is shifted to one leg, creating a sense of movement and tension.
  • Idealism: A style of art that seeks to depict the ideal human form, rather than the actual human form.
  • Naturalism: A style of art that seeks to depict the human form as it actually appears, with all its imperfections.

Distinguishing Early High and Late Classical Works

There are a number of key differences between Early High and Late Classical works. Early High Classical works are characterized by their idealized forms and restrained emotions. Late Classical works, on the other hand, are characterized by their more naturalistic forms and expressive emotions.

Form, Content, and Context of Key Late Classical Works

Some of the most famous Late Classical works include the sculptures of Praxiteles and Lysippos, and the architecture of the Parthenon. These works are all characterized by their beauty, craftsmanship, and attention to detail.

The form of Late Classical works is often characterized by its balance, harmony, and proportion. The content of Late Classical works often reflects the values and beliefs of the time. Late Classical art was often used to glorify the gods and heroes of Greece, and to celebrate the power and glory of the Greek people.
